Réponse de SH suite à un ticket. Bon, wait and see
"While other images that were approved in the same day already appeared,
depends on the traffic and volume, newly accepted images, keywords, and video
submissions may appear in your portfolio within 24 hours. You may locate your
images by searching for keywords, or see them in your portfolio in the "newest
first" setting.
Indexing in other searches or categories may however take up to 72 hours.
"Similar Images" may not appear immediately, and images will take time to
index in "Most Popular." Changes made to images will take 72 hours to index.
In some cases you may need to sort by “Newest First” and uncheck the “Safe
Search” box to find your images in our search engine.
If your images were approved and are not showing in your portfolio within 24
hours, please clear your cache, and reload the page.
If images are still not appearing, please respond in this mail with your
username and each individual image number so that we may look into the matter
right away."